Animation Excellence

Animation Excellence – Comprehensive technology enabling extreme improvements in quality and effectiveness regarding the creation of complex character body and face animations, aimed at high-end, open-world RPG games, including inovative pipeline solutions and a custom toolkit.

Beneficiary: CD PROJEKT Spolka Akcyjna

Grant Agreement: POIR.01.02.00-00-0110/16
Duration of the Project: 02.01.2017 – 31.05.2020

Project implemented within Sectoral Programme GAMEINN, Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020, provided by The National Centre for Research and Development and co‑financed by the European Regional Development Fund

Priority Axis I: Supporting R&D carried out by enterprises

Measure 1.2: Sectoral R&D Programmes

Competition no. : 3/1.2/2016

The aim of the project was to develop a comprehensive technology enabling a significant increase in the quality and productivity of complex body and face animations for the needs of open-world RPGs, also taking into account innovative process solutions and a unique set of dedicated tools.

Project budget: 9 616 040,63 PLN
Co-funding: 3 846 416,20 PLN